Computer Science Education

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Computer Science Education

Post by AmmarkoV » Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:54 pm ... nberg.html
Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?
Dr. Robert B.K. Dewar, AdaCore Inc.
Dr. Edmond Schonberg, AdaCore Inc.

It is our view that Computer Science (CS) education is neglecting basic skills, in particular in the areas of programming and formal methods. We consider that the general adoption of Java as a first programming language is in part responsible for this decline. We examine briefly the set of programming skills that should be part of every software professional’s repertoire.

It is all about programming! Over the last few years we have noticed worrisome trends in CS education. The following represents a summary of those trends:

1. Mathematics requirements in CS programs are shrinking.
2. The development of programming skills in several languages is giving way to cookbook approaches using large libraries and special-purpose packages.
3. The resulting set of skills is insufficient for today’s software industry (in particular for safety and security purposes) and, unfortunately, matches well what the outsourcing industry can offer. We are training easily replaceable professionals.

These trends are visible in the latest curriculum recommendations from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Curriculum 2005 does not mention mathematical prerequisites at all, and it mentions only one course in the theory of programming languages [1].

We have seen these developments from both sides: As faculty members at New York University for decades, we have regretted the introduction of Java as a first language of instruction for most computer science majors. We have seen how this choice has weakened the formation of our students, as reflected in their performance in systems and architecture courses. As founders of a company that specializes in Ada programming tools for mission-critical systems, we find it harder to recruit qualified applicants who have the right foundational skills. We want to advocate a more rigorous formation, in which formal methods are introduced early on, and programming languages play a central role in CS education.
Formal Methods and Software Construction

Formal techniques for proving the correctness of programs were an extremely active subject of research 20 years ago. However, the methods (and the hardware) of the time prevented these techniques from becoming widespread, and as a result they are more or less ignored by most CS programs. This is unfortunate because the techniques have evolved to the point that they can be used in large-scale systems and can contribute substantially to the reliability of these systems. A case in point is the use of SPARK in the re-engineering of the ground-based air traffic control system in the United Kingdom (see a description of iFACTS – Interim Future Area Control Tools Support, at <>). SPARK is a subset of Ada augmented with assertions that allow the designer to prove important properties of a program: termination, absence of run-time exceptions, finite memory usage, etc. [2]. It is obvious that this kind of design and analysis methodology (dubbed Correctness by Construction) will add substantially to the reliability of a system whose design has involved SPARK from the beginning. However, PRAXIS, the company that developed SPARK and which is designing iFACTS, finds it hard to recruit people with the required mathematical competence (and this is present even in the United Kingdom, where formal methods are more widely taught and used than in the United States).

Another formal approach to which CS students need exposure is model checking and linear temporal logic for the design of concurrent systems. For a modern discussion of the topic, which is central to mission-critical software, see [3].

Another area of computer science which we find neglected is the study of floating-point computations. At New York University, a course in numerical methods and floating-point computing used to be required, but this requirement was dropped many years ago, and now very few students take this course. The topic is vital to all scientific and engineering software and is semantically delicate. One would imagine that it would be a required part of all courses in scientific computing, but these often take MatLab to be the universal programming tool and ignore the topic altogether.
The Pitfalls of Java as a First Programming Language

Because of its popularity in the context of Web applications and the ease with which beginners can produce graphical programs, Java has become the most widely used language in introductory programming courses. We consider this to be a misguided attempt to make programming more fun, perhaps in reaction to the drop in CS enrollments that followed the dot-com bust. What we observed at New York University is that the Java programming courses did not prepare our students for the first course in systems, much less for more advanced ones. Students found it hard to write programs that did not have a graphic interface, had no feeling for the relationship between the source program and what the hardware would actually do, and (most damaging) did not understand the semantics of pointers at all, which made the use of C in systems programming very challenging.

Let us propose the following principle: The irresistible beauty of programming consists in the reduction of complex formal processes to a very small set of primitive operations. Java, instead of exposing this beauty, encourages the programmer to approach problem-solving like a plumber in a hardware store: by rummaging through a multitude of drawers (i.e. packages) we will end up finding some gadget (i.e. class) that does roughly what we want. How it does it is not interesting! The result is a student who knows how to put a simple program together, but does not know how to program. A further pitfall of the early use of Java libraries and frameworks is that it is impossible for the student to develop a sense of the run-time cost of what is written because it is extremely hard to know what any method call will eventually execute. A lucid analysis of the problem is presented in [4].

We are seeing some backlash to this approach. For example, Bjarne Stroustrup reports from Texas A & M University that the industry is showing increasing unhappiness with the results of this approach. Specifically, he notes the following:

I have had a lot of complaints about that [the use of Java as a first programming language] from industry, specifically from AT&T, IBM, Intel, Bloomberg, NI, Microsoft, Lockheed-Martin, and more. [5]

He noted in a private discussion on this topic, reporting the following:

It [Texas A&M] did [teach Java as the first language]. Then I started teaching C++ to the electrical engineers and when the EE students started to out-program the CS students, the CS department switched to C++. [5]

It will be interesting to see how many departments follow this trend. At AdaCore, we are certainly aware of many universities that have adopted Ada as a first language because of similar concerns.
A Real Programmer Can Write in Any Language (C, Java, Lisp, Ada)

Software professionals of a certain age will remember the slogan of old-timers from two generations ago when structured programming became the rage: Real programmers can write Fortran in any language. The slogan is a reminder of how thinking habits of programmers are influenced by the first language they learn and how hard it is to shake these habits if you do all your programming in a single language. Conversely, we want to say that a competent programmer is comfortable with a number of different languages and that the programmer must be able to use the mental tools favored by one of them, even when programming in another. For example, the user of an imperative language such as Ada or C++ must be able to write in a functional style, acquired through practice with Lisp and ML1, when manipulating recursive structures. This is one indication of the importance of learning in-depth a number of different programming languages. What follows summarizes what we think are the critical contributions that well-established languages make to the mental tool-set of real programmers. For example, a real programmer should be able to program inheritance and dynamic dispatching in C, information hiding in Lisp, tree manipulation libraries in Ada, and garbage collection in anything but Java. The study of a wide variety of languages is, thus, indispensable to the well-rounded programmer.
Why C Matters

C is the low-level language that everyone must know. It can be seen as a portable assembly language, and as such it exposes the underlying machine and forces the student to understand clearly the relationship between software and hardware. Performance analysis is more straightforward, because the cost of every software statement is clear. Finally, compilers (GCC for example) make it easy to examine the generated assembly code, which is an excellent tool for understanding machine language and architecture.
Why C++ Matters

C++ brings to C the fundamental concepts of modern software engineering: encapsulation with classes and namespaces, information hiding through protected and private data and operations, programming by extension through virtual methods and derived classes, etc. C++ also pushes storage management as far as it can go without full-blown garbage collection, with constructors and destructors.
Why Lisp Matters

Every programmer must be comfortable with functional programming and with the important notion of referential transparency. Even though most programmers find imperative programming more intuitive, they must recognize that in many contexts that a functional, stateless style is clear, natural, easy to understand, and efficient to boot.

An additional benefit of the practice of Lisp is that the program is written in what amounts to abstract syntax, namely the internal representation that most compilers use between parsing and code generation. Knowing Lisp is thus an excellent preparation for any software work that involves language processing.

Finally, Lisp (at least in its lean Scheme incarnation) is amenable to a very compact self-definition. Seeing a complete Lisp interpreter written in Lisp is an intellectual revelation that all computer scientists should experience.
Why Java Matters

Despite our comments on Java as a first or only language, we think that Java has an important role to play in CS instruction. We will mention only two aspects of the language that must be part of the real programmer’s skill set:

1. An understanding of concurrent programming (for which threads provide a basic low-level model).
2. Reflection, namely the understanding that a program can be instrumented to examine its own state and to determine its own behavior in a dynamically changing environment.

Why Ada Matters

Ada is the language of software engineering par excellence. Even when it is not the language of instruction in programming courses, it is the language chosen to teach courses in software engineering. This is because the notions of strong typing, encapsulation, information hiding, concurrency, generic programming, inheritance, and so on, are embodied in specific features of the language. From our experience and that of our customers, we can say that a real programmer writes Ada in any language. For example, an Ada programmer accustomed to Ada’s package model, which strongly separates specification from implementation, will tend to write C in a style where well-commented header files act in somewhat the same way as package specs in Ada. The programmer will include bounds checking and consistency checks when passing mutable structures between subprograms to mimic the strong-typing checks that Ada mandates [6]. She will organize concurrent programs into tasks and protected objects, with well-defined synchronization and communication mechanisms.

The concurrency features of Ada are particularly important in our age of multi-core architectures. We find it surprising that these architectures should be presented as a novel challenge to software design when Ada had well-designed mechanisms for writing safe, concurrent software 30 years ago.
Programming Languages Are Not the Whole Story

A well-rounded CS curriculum will include an advanced course in programming languages that covers a wide variety of languages, chosen to broaden the understanding of the programming process, rather than to build a résumé in perceived hot languages. We are somewhat dismayed to see the popularity of scripting languages in introductory programming courses. Such languages (Javascript, PHP, Atlas) are indeed popular tools of today for Web applications. Such languages have all the pedagogical defaults that we ascribe to Java and provide no opportunity to learn algorithms and performance analysis. Their absence of strong typing leads to a trial-and-error programming style and prevents students from acquiring the discipline of separating design of interfaces from specifications.

However, teaching the right languages alone is not enough. Students need to be exposed to the tools to construct large-scale reliable programs, as we discussed at the start of this article. Topics of relevance are studying formal specification methods and formal proof methodologies, as well as gaining an understanding of how high-reliability code is certified in the real world. When you step into a plane, you are putting your life in the hands of software which had better be totally reliable. As a computer scientist, you should have some knowledge of how this level of reliability is achieved. In this day and age, the fear of terrorist cyber attacks have given a new urgency to the building of software that is not only bug free, but is also immune from malicious attack. Such high-security software relies even more extensively on formal methodologies, and our students need to be prepared for this new world.

1. Joint Taskforce for Computing Curricula. “Computing Curricula 2005: The Overview Report.” ACM/AIS/ IEEE, 2005 < /curric_vols/CC2005-March06 Final.pdf>.
2. Barnes, John. High Integrity Ada: The Spark Approach. Addison-Wesley, 2003.
3. Ben-Ari, M. Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming. 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley, 2006.
4. Mitchell, Nick, Gary Sevitsky, and Harini Srinivasan. “The Diary of a Datum: An Approach to Analyzing Runtime Complexity in Framework-Based Applications.” Workshop on Library-Centric Software Design, Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, San Diego, CA, 2005.
5. Stroustrup, Bjarne. Private communication. Aug. 2007.
6. Holzmann Gerard J. “The Power of Ten – Rules for Developing Safety Critical Code.” IEEE Computer June 2006: 93-95.


1. Several programming language and system names have evolved from acronyms whose formal spellings are no longer considered applicable to the current names for which they are readily known. ML, Lisp, GCC, PHP, and SPARK fall under this category.

What Good is a CS degree ? ... cs-degree/
There’s been a lot of nattering about the usefulness, or lack thereof, of a college-level CS degree to a programmer. The most recent of which to cross my transom, is this post, but I think it all started with a post by Joel. The problem with this debate is that it presupposes three things, all of which are patently false, that:

1. Computer science and programming are seperate things, and that it’s possible to know one without knowing the other,

2. That it is possible, at least in theory, to teach students everything (or most everything) they need to know in “the real world”, in a reasonable amount of time (four years), and

3. That the point and purpose of a CS education is to give you those “real world” skills.

The last point is particularly important, as it raises the question: what is the point and purpose of getting a CS education, if not to give you “real world” skills? The point and purpose of a CS education is this: to teach you how to learn the real world skills you need.

Of course, this is not the answer that either the students or the employeers wanted to hear, as it has several disquieting implications for both.

There was an interesting episode from my days as a CS student to illustrate what I mean. I went to college back in the old days, when men were men, and CS departments taught Pascal. For the first several years of my college degree, Pascal stood me in good stead. And then, one day, I had a shock- not one, but two different courses I was taking required me to know C. Here’s the kicker- there was not one class at the college I could take that would teach me C. Not one. How unfair was that? Their attitude, when the issue was brought up, was “we’ve taught you Pascal, we’ve taught you assembly language- here’s a copy of K&R, figure it out.”

Although I was annoyed by it at the time, in retrospect it was one of the most important things they taught me. Back then, the big important languages were (other than C) Fortran and Cobol. Most of the languages considered important now hadn’t even been invented yet- Perl, Python, Ruby, Haskell, Erlang, Ocaml, Java, C#, all of these were still in the future. C++ existed, but not in a form that most C++ programmers would recognize- no templates, no STM, no Boost. Heck, no exceptions. Even if they had wanted to teach me what I need to know today, they couldn’t- because it hadn’t been invented yet.

This is why it’s impossible, even in theory, to teach the students everything they’ll need to know. Even as simple a question as what programming language(s) to teach them- assume you’re going to be in the industry for fourty years. That means the people retiring this year (at age 65) graduated from college in 1968. Consider how far the programming field has moved in the last fourty years. Knowing everything there is to know about Fortran-66 and Algol-68 isn’t as impressive as it once was.

But the problem goes deeper than that. There is a huge difference in the skill sets needed by different parts of the industry. Let’s take an example- Joel recommends that students cooperate on a big project, like a video game. This is a great idea… if the students all go on to get jobs in the video game industry. If they go on to get jobs working on enterprise apps, they have a problem- they spent all that time learning C++ and DirectX, when they should have been learning Java and SQL. And so on. And what development methodology? Extreme programming and Scrum? Great… until the students get a job at a place doing classical waterfall. Hint, as the new kid on the block, you don’t get to change the entire teams methodology just to be similiar to what you learned in school, right or wrong.

On a finer grain level, every programming shop is different. Even if you hire someone with many “real world” years of experience doing what you’re doing, using the same language you’re using, there is going to be a ramp up cost. They’re going to have to learn the code base, the structure of the team, who to go ask which question of, etc. I call it “learning where the restrooms are and where they hide the paperclips.” The difference is that the “pro” is going to have a much shorter ramp up time than the fresh faced kid out of college. At least, you hope so.

There are fundamentals, concepts and ideas that carry across all software projects in all languages. But an education focused only on the common fundamentals is by definition incomplete- it doesn’t teach you all the non-fundamental stuff you need for a particular project, precisely because that stuff isn’t common with all other projects, elsewhen (or even most projects, most times).

Which brings me to my next point, the idea that computer science and programming are two seperate topics, and that it’s possible (even beneficial) to know one but not the other. I seen the attitude go both ways, but by far the most common is the assumption that you can know programming without computer science. Joel, for example, condemns all of computer science on the basis of one class he took, and dropped after a single lecture. It is a mark of true ignorance to hold the opinion “if I don’t know it, than it ain’t important”. Way to encompass the breadth and depth of the discipline before pontificating on the subject, Joel.

One of the dirty little secrets of computer science is that it’s mostly history. No, I’m not kidding. Pcik any CS book you care to- say, this one, or this one, or this one, or this one, and take a look at them. They’re mainly dealing with history. They’re less concerned with dates and kings and battles like we’ve been conditioned to expect history to be (”In 1637, William the Stupid invaded western Fraconia…”). They’re a history of ideas and approaches.

In “A Deepness in the Sky”, Vernor Vinge introduced the idea of a “programmer-archaelogist”. I love this idea- because half of knowing programming is just knowing the history. And, as the saying goes, programmers who do not understand history are doomed to reimplement it- poorly. Which means that to a large extent it’s possible to learn a lot of computer science the hard way, just by being in the industry long enough to see things invented and then reinvented. Then you too get to shout out “look, kids- Big Ben! Parliment!” as they go by yet again.

People laugh when I saracastically say “yeah, let’s reinvent the wheel- only this time, let’s make it hexagonal, instead of square- I bet we’ll get a much smoother ride that way!” But then someone new comes along with a brand new language, still using reference counting garbage collection because they haven’t read this book yet, and don’t know what’s already been done. Or don’t care- and I’m not sure which of ignorance and apathy is the more damning indictment. The truth of the matter is that the vast majority of programmers are reinventing wheels simply because they don’t know that it’s already been invented (and fire and agriculture!).

Personally, I blame it on Microsoft. In order to sell you a new box of bits every two years, they have to first convince you that the box of bits you already have is somehow worthless (as opposed to two years ago, when it was obviously worth a great deal). This gives rise to the myth of permanent revolution. You’re still using that old, obsolete, two years ago peice of software? Get with the now, baby- that archaic crap is so five minutes ago. It’s all different now- dump that old stuff and buy all new stuff!

True story- a couple of years back, there was a question posted to slashdot. The questioner was taking a course in compilers, which the professor was teaching out of this seriously old and antiquated text book, and what textbook should they be using? I was halfway through a response that the correct textbook to be using was the dragon book, when I noticed that was the book in question. The kid had assumed that since the book had come out 12 years ago, it was completely invalid, and how we’re building compilers these days is completely different.

The truth is that programming advances, when they happen (and we’re not just happily going in circles), is an agglutinative process. New ideas build on old ideas. There is a lot of interesting stuff going on in compilers, but to understand them, you need to know the basics, the history.

The other part of computer science is adding new ideas- in some sense writting new history. This is the point where the hard-nose realist programmers start jumping up and down, screeching, and hurling feces. The ideas the academics come up with are “pointless”, “worthless”, even “academic” (pity the culture that uses “smart” and “wise” as insults). They have no relationship to the real world, and real programmers.

Let’s investigate that, shall we? Over in the Java camp, the big debate is over including closures into the language. The C# people, meanwhile, are congratulating themselves over following SPJ’s advice and ditching the scary M-word when introducing Linq, and starting to look at transaction memory. And so on. Where do these ideas come from? Academia. To the extent I’ve been able to determine, that the industry as a whole has managed to make any progress at all (as opposed to just continually reinventing the same bad ideas), is due primarily due to the academics.

Yeah, there have been a lot of bad ideas academics have come up with over the years. So? Two words for those who beleive that industry isn’t guilty of exactly the same problem: Microsoft Bob.

No, the academics don’t productize their work. And maybe, just maybe, that’s a good thing. Maybe that isn’t their job. Think back to the question I raised earlier, as to what language you could have taught students in 1968 (the one retiring now) that’d still be relevent today. There is one- Lisp. The least pragmatic, most theoretical, most academic language of the era. When garbage collection became the “in thing” back in the 90’s, the people who knew Lisp weren’t surprised. They’d been using garbage collection for decades at that point. And closures aren’t foreign to them either. It seems to take a couple of decades for the academic idea to become sufficiently distanced from it’s academic origin for it to be acceptable to “real world” programmers. Studying computer science now gives you a several decade leg up.

All you have to lose is your ignorance.
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by vasvas » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:34 pm

Πάρα πολύ καλά κείμενα, και χαίρομαι που τα εντόπισες και το αναδημοσιεύεις εδώ, και αξίζει να διαβαστούν.

Τις ανησυχίες του πρώτου κειμένου ειδικά τις συμμερίζομαι απόλυτα. Το πρόβλημα με τη Java είναι πως είναι πιο εύκολο να νομίσει κανείς ότι ξέρει να προγραμματίζει χωρίς να έχει μάθει αρκετά από τα βασικά (και ειδικά τον τρόπο σκέψης). Μπορεί όμως μάθημα εισαγωγής στον προγραμματισμό να γίνει σε java και να μην έχει τα αρνητικά που αναφέρονται. Σε ό,τι αφορά την "ελάφρυνση του προγράμματος σε γνώσεις θεμελιώσεων (μαθηματικών κυρίως), συμφωνώ απολύτως.

Φυσικά, στο δικό μας περιβάλλον, αυτά τα προβλήματα δυστυχώς είναι δευτερεύοντα μπροστά σε άλλες προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζουμε.

Ας ελπίσουμε ότι το 2009 θα φέρει λύσεις!

Καλή χρονιά!
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by tsilochr » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:06 pm

Πολύ χαίρομαι που έβαλες αυτά τα άρθρα εδώ AmmarkoV.

Το πρόβλημα της διαμόρφωσης προγράμματος σπουδών είναι πολύπλοκο. Σίγουρα το τμήμα μας έχει επιλέξει να είναι πιο κοντά στην εφαρμογή παρά στο σύστημα του υπολογιστή αλλά η αλήθεια είναι ότι οι ανάγκες της εγχώριας αγοράς είναι στις enterprise εφαρμογές. Πως θα πείσεις το κόσμο κάτω από αυτές τις συνθήκες να κάνει core science όταν βλέπει πως για να βρει δουλειά συνήθως του ζητείται να ξέρει java, .net, html, xml, sql (αυτά τα προσόντα είναι τόσο τυπικά στις αγγελίες, σα να λέω το πάτερ ημών στο σχολείο).

Οι πιο hardcore-άδικες θέσεις (για το κομμάτι του προγραμματισμού συστήματος) δυστυχώς είναι ελάχιστες, και οι θέσεις ερευνητών (για το καθαρά κομμάτι επιστήμης-μαθηματικά) πληρώνουν δυστυχώς ψίχουλα
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by stoupeace » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:51 pm

Πολύ ωραία κείμενα, αν και στο πρώτο δεν διάβασα τα concerning lisp και concerning ada.
Anyway, με προβλημάτισε πολύ το πρώτο, και το 2ο με έκανε να σκέφτομαι να δώσω περισσότερη σημασία στον Κουρκουμπετη :-p
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by The Punisher » Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:59 pm

nice post :)

συμφωνώ σχεδόν απόλυτα και με τα 2 (ειδικά το πρώτο). τα λέω καιρό άλλωστε εδώ μέσα :lol:
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by elsupreme » Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:42 am

Niiicceee... :)
Ευχαριστώ για αυτά, ήταν πολύ διαφωτιστικά και με βρήκαν σύμφωνο.
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by rose » Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:42 pm

tsilochr wrote:Πολύ χαίρομαι που έβαλες αυτά τα άρθρα εδώ AmmarkoV.

Το πρόβλημα της διαμόρφωσης προγράμματος σπουδών είναι πολύπλοκο. Σίγουρα το τμήμα μας έχει επιλέξει να είναι πιο κοντά στην εφαρμογή παρά στο σύστημα του υπολογιστή αλλά η αλήθεια είναι ότι οι ανάγκες της εγχώριας αγοράς είναι στις enterprise εφαρμογές. Πως θα πείσεις το κόσμο κάτω από αυτές τις συνθήκες να κάνει core science όταν βλέπει πως για να βρει δουλειά συνήθως του ζητείται να ξέρει java, .net, html, xml, sql (αυτά τα προσόντα είναι τόσο τυπικά στις αγγελίες, σα να λέω το πάτερ ημών στο σχολείο).

Επειδή μάλλον δεν έχετε ιδέα τι ειναι enterprise καλύτερα να μην ονοματίζετε. Enterprise δεν ειναι μόνο η java και η .net βασικά μονο αυτό δεν είναι. Μια enterprise εφαρμογή κρίνεται κατα πόσο πραγματοποιεί availability, reliablity, Security, Manageability. Πάντα μα πάντα η enterprise εφαρμογή ειναι highly distributed system, οπότε η μελέτη του network infrastructure ειναι παντα ένα σημαντικό πρώτο βήμα (θυμίζω throughput,security ,modularity, tolerance, capacity,redudancy - load balancing,failover,cluster και πάντα ολα δεμένα με best security practices.). Aν όλο αυτό ειναι απλά java το αφήνω στην κρίση σας....και μην μου πει κανένας οτι λίγο πολύ όλα ειναι λυμένα και εύκολα.
που θα πάει θα το δουμε...
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by AmmarkoV » Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:23 pm

rose wrote:Aν όλο αυτό ειναι απλά java το αφήνω στην κρίση σας..
Μια γλώσσα προγραμματισμού και μια Virtual Machine είναι ολα αυτά ??
Cool.. :-p
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I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code. Οι καθηγητές πληρώνονται από το δημόσιο αρα από όλους τους Έλληνες για να κάνουν τα μαθήματα. Όλοι οι Έλληνες θα έπρεπε να μπορούν να δουν τα μαθήματα τα οποία πληρώνουν! Tο πνευματικό έργο που επιτελείται με τα χρήματα του δημοσίου ΔΕΝ είναι μόνο δικό σας Όποιος δεν δίνει πανελλήνιες έχει δικαίωμα στην γνώση που πληρώνει [url=]gddg blog[/url]
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by rose » Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:48 pm

Στον τελικό χρήστη μπορεί...για τον αρχιτέκτονα και τον μηχανικό πάρα, μα πάρα πολλά. Στην τελική όλα ειναι θέμα οπτικής. Θα διαφωνήσουμε εδώ. Για μένα το enterprise ειναι μια γενικότερη κουλτούρα που δεν αρχίζει και τελειώνει σε ενα framework και σε ενα χρήστη - διαχειριστή. Δεν μπορείς να μιλάς για enterprise replication mechanisms αν δεν ξέρεις σοβαρά τι ειναι reliable multicast communication.
που θα πάει θα το δουμε...
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by AmmarkoV » Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:02 am

What makes a good programmer?
Δείτε το ιδιαίτερα οι νέοι Computer Scientists! :)

Xtreme Programming

Εδώ όλες οι διαλέξεις του! ... s&start=20
Last edited by AmmarkoV on Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Spoiler: εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code. Οι καθηγητές πληρώνονται από το δημόσιο αρα από όλους τους Έλληνες για να κάνουν τα μαθήματα. Όλοι οι Έλληνες θα έπρεπε να μπορούν να δουν τα μαθήματα τα οποία πληρώνουν! Tο πνευματικό έργο που επιτελείται με τα χρήματα του δημοσίου ΔΕΝ είναι μόνο δικό σας Όποιος δεν δίνει πανελλήνιες έχει δικαίωμα στην γνώση που πληρώνει [url=]gddg blog[/url]
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by stoupeace » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:23 pm

Τη ζήλεψα αυτή τη διάλεξη... :roll:
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by StormRider » Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:15 am

Αυτός έχει ενδιαφέρον (και γέλιο):


Να κάνουμε ένα thread με lectures
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by ~~Wind~~ » Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:49 pm

StormRider :-D
O τύπος είναι τρελή μορφή. Τον είχα δει πριν 1-1,5 χρόνο, φοβερός :-D
Come to foss-aueb ...we have cookies.. yamyam~nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom
a cookie ~ I will do science to it
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by redlabel » Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:31 pm

O Cliff είναι ακόμη ελεύθερος μάλλον για χάρη του "The cuckoo's egg". Δεν είναι (ακόμη) επικίνδυνος, αλλά θα γίνει - αν δεν έγινε στο μεταξύ... :smt031

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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by PASCAL » Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:34 am

Μετά από πόσα χρόνια στο χώρο γίνεσαι έτσι;
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by ultimate_aektzis » Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:39 am

Εχω δει και ατομα απο αλλες ειδικοτητες να ειναι ετσι.Δεν ειναι απαραιτητο να εισαι IT.Να, καποιοι για παραδειγμα μας κυβερνανε :roll:
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by StormRider » Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:12 am

Εντάξει ο τύπος μπορεί να έπαιζε φυσικότερα τη "φωλιά του Κούκου" από το Nicholson, αλλά δε λέει τόσο λάθος πράγματα. Η απομυθοποίηση του web, η αντιπρόταση στην εκτεταμένη χρήση των Η/Υ στην εκπαίδευση και το status quo "Knowledge is the meaning of Life", είναι θέματα άξια συζήτησης. Ο ίδιος μου φαίνεται διδάσκει φυσική σε μαθητές Λυκείου.

Και κάπου εδώ ίσως να επαναλάμβανα ότι το βιβλίο και την ανθρώπινη φυσική αλληλεπίδραση στην εκπαίδευση δε μπορεί να τα αντικαταστήσει τίποτα. (Ο δάσκαλος είναι μέρος της αλληλεπίδρασης αυτής -μία ιδανικότερη εξέλιξή της είναι οι διαλέξεις σε κύκλο κι όχι εκ βάθρου.)
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by rapadder » Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:57 pm

Επιτέλους ενα post που συμφωνούμε ;). Η ανθρώπινη φυσική αλληλεπίδραση στην εκπαίδευση πρέπει να αποτελεί τον πυρήνα της διδασκαλίας. Η τεχνολογία μπορεί να παίξει απλά επικουρικό ρόλο. Ένας καθηγητής με κιμωλία που κινείται στο χώρο μπορεί να μεταδώσει περισσότερη γνώση από εναν καθηγητή σε μια αίθουσα διδασκαλίας με ΙΤ εξοπλισμό.
Επίσης οι δημόσιοι υπάλληλοι καθηγητές πρέπει να αξιολογούνται σε αυτήν την χώρα. Στους 10 καθηγητές του δημόσιου σχολείου:

- Οι 2 είναι πολύ καλοί.
- Οι 4 κάνουν απλά την εργασία τους χωρίς να διεκδικούν δάφνες ποιότητας.
- Οι 3 είναι επιεικώς απαράδεκτοι.
- Ο 1 δεν κάνει την εργασία του και υπό κανονικές συνθήκες θα έπρεπε να τον είχαν διώξει.

Όσον αφορά τους καθηγητές Πληροφορικής, σε αντίθεση με άλλες ειδικότητες (π.χ. Φιλόλογοι), συνήθως καταλήγουν οι χειρότεροι φοιτητές ή εκείνοι που απλά θέλουν να αράξουν σε μια ήσυχη γωνία στο δημόσιο. Όταν η ύλη (καθηγητές Πληροφορικής) είναι χαμηλής ποιότητας, μοιραία και το τελικό αποτέλεσμα θα είναι μια μετριότητα.
... Γράφτε κώδικα όσο είναι καιρός ...
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by h4wk » Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:10 pm

Δέν είμαι σίγουρος αλλα νομίζω οτι αυτό κολλάει εδώ για την ενίσχυση των παραπάνω post... :smt024

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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by AmmarkoV » Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:44 pm

Διαφωνώ και με τον Clifford και με το προηγούμενο video..
Στην εκπαίδευση ούτως ή άλλως υπάρχει ύλη ( και στα Αμερικάνικα νηπιαγωγεία - δημοτικά και script ,δηλαδή στις 15 Νοεμβρίου πχ θα μιλήσουν για την βροχή και το νερό κτλ κτλ κτλ).. Ποιος αποφάσισε πχ οτι σε όλη την ύλη των σχολείων στην Ελλάδα δεν θα γίνει πουθενά αναφορά για τον εμφύλιο ( εκτός ύλης ) και γιατί αυτό είναι καλύτερο από ένα biased κείμενο στην Wikipedia (που τουλάχιστον είναι biased από όλες τις πλευρές και ισορροπεί..) ? Και στο κάτω κάτω σε όποιον δεν αρέσει το Wikipedia άρθρο και ενδιαφέρεται μπορεί να ανοίξει και να κάνει edit και για όποιον δεν γνωρίζει έχει κάτω τα annotations οπότε ο περίεργος μπορεί να πάρει και να διαβάσει 1000 σελίδες επί του θέματος..
Η χρήση υπολογιστών/internet για την μάθηση imho είναι κάτι σαν την τυπογραφία σε σχέση με τα χειρόγραφα..
Αλίμονο αν μπορεί να συγκριθεί η γνώση που υπάρχει σε όλο το δίκτυο ( η οποία μπορεί να περιλαμβάνει και τα ίδια τ βιβλία σαν PDF , συζητήσεις , forum , εικόνα ,ήχο , simulations , Wikipedia άρθρα κτλ κτλ ) με την προφορική μεταδοτικότητα ενός ατόμου (δημοσίου υπαλλήλου) σε 26 παιδιά..
Μου φαίνεται απλά ανεδαφικό , ( σαν να πιστεύει κάποιος οτι οι ειδήσεις των καναλιών είναι καλύτερες από την ενημέρωση από το internet :-p ) ..
Το ένα πράγμα είναι κατευθυνόμενο από 100 άτομα ( υλη , ειδήσεις κτλ ) το άλλο από όλη την κοινωνία..
Τέλος για το οτι μπορεί κάποιος να γράψει στην Wikipedia πράγματα που δεν ισχύουν συμφωνώ αλλά όσο φταίει η Wikipedia σαν ιδέα για αυτό άλλο τόσο φταίει και το 2ο Δημοτικό X επειδή ένας δάσκαλος είναι χουντικός ή παιδεραστής και εκμεταλεύεται την θέση του..

Τώρα για το κατα πόσο τα παιδιά μπορούν μόνα τους να χειριστούν όλη αυτή την πληροφορία που υπάρχει αυτό είναι άλλη συζήτηση αλλά κανείς δεν είπε ποτέ να καταργηθεί ο δάσκαλος..
Spoiler: εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code. Οι καθηγητές πληρώνονται από το δημόσιο αρα από όλους τους Έλληνες για να κάνουν τα μαθήματα. Όλοι οι Έλληνες θα έπρεπε να μπορούν να δουν τα μαθήματα τα οποία πληρώνουν! Tο πνευματικό έργο που επιτελείται με τα χρήματα του δημοσίου ΔΕΝ είναι μόνο δικό σας Όποιος δεν δίνει πανελλήνιες έχει δικαίωμα στην γνώση που πληρώνει [url=]gddg blog[/url]
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by stoupeace » Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:57 pm

Πάντως νομίζω ότι και οι από πάνω αυτό προτείνανε Ammarkov.
Το συντονισμό του δασκάλου (συμβούλου για την καλή χρήση του internet πχ) με τη χρήση της τεχνολογίας.
Απλά πρέπει να ξεφύγουμε από το πρότυπο του καθηγητή παντογνώστη που τον βάζεις να μιλήσει σε παιδιά και νομίζει ότι είναι εξουσία.
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Re: Computer Science Education

Post by redlabel » Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:54 pm

Η κεφαλαιώδης σημασία της ποιότητας (ειλικρίνειας, αμεσότητας, συστηματικότητας, ανυστεροβουλίας, διαχρονίας κλπ.) της επικοινωνίας μεταξύ μαθητή και δάσκαλου συγκεντρώνει - ιστορικά - πλατειά συναίνεση, δίχως να θεωρείται εύκολα επιτεύξιμη, ούτε να πρέπει να εξιδανικεύεται.

Η γνώμη μου είναι ότι ειδικά οι ΤΠΕ μπορούν να δράσουν ουσιαστικά επικουρικά στην εμβάθυνση της σχέσης αυτής, χωρίς, ωστόσο, να αποτελούν ταξικο-κοινωνικά ουδέτερο υπηρέτη της.

Δ. Γκρ.
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