Mass Effect 3

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Mass Effect 3

Post by zweistein » Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:04 am

ως υπερβολικά καμμένος με την σειρά, ανοίγω αυτό το thread για να μπούν όλες οι σχετικές συζητήσεις και γνώμες!

ξεκινάω κάνοντας ένα sum up με όλο το υλικό που έχω μαζέψει έως τώρα!
Bioware wrote: BioWare is very pleased to announce the release date for Mass Effect 3. Mass Effect 3 will be available for the PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 beginning on on March 6, 2012.

Not everyone will survive. In Mass Effect 3, an ancient alien race known only as “Reapers”, has launched an all-out invasion of the galaxy, leaving nothing but a trail of destruction in their wake. Earth has been taken, the galaxy is on the verge of total annihilation, and you are the only one who can stop them. The price of failure is extinction. You, as Commander Shepard, must lead the counter assault to take it back. Only you can determine how events will play out, which planets you will save from annihilation and which alliances you will form or abandon as you rally the forces of the galaxy to eliminate the Reaper threat once and for all.
Bioware wrote: The Mass Effect 3 team is pleased to announce the Collector's Edition of Mass Effect 3, available beginning March 6, 2012. This is a special edition of the game that features exclusive bonus content and unlockable items. The Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Edition is available for pre-order at participating retailers for $79.99 in limited quantities.
Get the ultimate Mass Effect 3 experience with the N7 Collector’s Edition!

shrinked image
This exclusive and limited package includes:
Spoiler: εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη
• Premium metal case featuring commemorative artwork of both male and female versions of Commander Shepard. • 70-page hardbound art book featuring hundreds of unique and gorgeous illustrations from the BioWare development team. • Limited edition Mass Effect comic by Dark Horse Comics, complete with unique cover artwork. • Join the ranks of the N7 with the premium fabric N7 patch. • Exclusive 4x6 lithographic print featuring a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork. • A full collection of in-game content that can’t be found anywhere else! o N7 Arsenal Pack – Bring the firepower with the N7 Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, SMG, and Pistol. o Robotic Dog – A faithful sidekick to keep you company on board the Normandy. o Squadmate Alternate Outfit Pack – New appearances for squad members Ashley, Kaiden, James and Liara. o N7 Hoodie – For Commander Shepard’s casual days on board the Normandy. • Relive all the greatest moments of Mass Effect 3 with the digital soundtrack. • Xbox LIVE Normandy prop for your Avatar. (Available on Xbox 360 version only.) • Display your initiation in the N7 ranks with a collection of forum and social badges, avatars, and perks.
Summing up!! - Videos and material so far

The following video is the introduction of Mass Effect 3 from Casey Hudson in E3 2011.
The video shows a gameplay walkthrough about a scene from a Demo where Shepard destroys a Reaper base.



The following video is the Microsoft Mass Effect 3 demo on XBox360 debuting Kinect from E3 2011
Kinect will give the players of Xbox360 the chance to use voice commands while playing the game.
The footage is from the ME3 Demo, involving Shepards quest to save the Krogan Qween.

Kinect will NOT be Mandatory ... 6at128.jpg


Here you can watch the official new Mass Effect 3 Launch Trailer "The Fall of Earth".


The following video is a Gameplay introduction of the Demo from Spike TV. A 10 minute Casey Hudson interview and Gameplay.

watch in better resolution here: ... ect/714901


The following video incloudes IGN's live commentary from E3 2011


The following video is the Mass Effect 3 E3 Trailer Analysis by IGN Rewind Theater


The following video incloudes a Bioware Interview about Mass Effect 3 by IGN


EA: Mass Effect 3: Producer Insight


Bioware announcement:
Episode #1 of our brand new BioWare TV show BioWare Pulse is now available. We will be using BioWare Pulse to entertain and educate fans on all aspects of BioWare (Mass Effect, DA, SWTOR, life at BioWare, me washing my car, etc), but this first episode is Live from E3 (well, live to tape anyways as they recorded it this morning).

Episode 1 of BioWare Pulse from E3

The developers of Mass Effect 3 discuss the combat and story in the game.
Includes snippets of new footage. ... er-Insight

MassEffect3, Bioware TV Pulse episodes 1, 2 and 3 here!

ep1 Mass Effect E3 Edition


ep2 SWTOR & Mass Effect at E3


ep3 Behind the Scenes at the E3 Press Demo

Steam wrote: Jesse Houston came LIVE to answer our questions!

Live video walkthrough and chat Just finished!

Jesse Houston came LIVE at and answered our questions!!!!!!!!
lots of VERY INTERESTING details were revealed!!
the questions, as there was no way to copy paste them or print them, i print-screened them and uploaded them here:

the chat was recorded with a live camera and the video is archived here!!
Last edited by cypher on Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Fixed quotes + huuuuge post
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Re: Mass Effect 3

Post by zweistein » Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:04 am

επίσης τα πιο πρόσφατα άρθρα από IGN

Spoiler: εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη
E3 2011: Mass Effect 3 -- The Galaxy's Fate is in Your Hands The Reapers just bitch-slapped Commander Shepard. Time to slap back. Spoiler Alert: This article contains some story spoilers for Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and previously released downloadable content. The Reapers have come to Earth. This is how Mass Effect 3 begins. The first two titles in the series were building towards an epic war with the ancient arbiters of doom and that war has finally come. Good thing the galaxy has you, Commander Shepard, professional Reaper killer. Mass Effect 2 focused on gathering the best mercenaries in the galaxy for a suicide mission against the Collectors. Mass Effect 3 is a survival mission. You must rally the various races from around the galaxy to your cause to reclaim Earth and save every form of life from extinction. Fail, and everyone and everything dies. No pressure. It won't be easy. This is full blown galactic war and to many, the battle appears hopeless. How can any army possibly defeat the Reapers? Forget about earning the trust of individual allies -- you must unite warring factions to one purpose. Returning to Earth with anything less than a galactic armada would mean failure. In Mass Effect 2, you helped Jack deal with her past and tracked down Samara's daughter for a family reunion. Here, the stakes are higher and the importance of each mission is going to be greater. One example of these unifying missions comes about halfway through Mass Effect 3. Shepard and crew have journeyed to the Salarian homeworld, Sur'Kesh, to rescue a Krogan princess. Yes, she's crazy hot. The princess in question is the key to uniting a divided Krogan homeworld. Mordin Solus is assisting (it is his home planet after all), and naturally the Krogan clan leader Wrex Urdnot has quite an interest in the princess. But wait, is that team even possible in your version of Mass Effect 3? This is where the branching paths of the first two games begin to really affect the final battle against the Reapers. What if you killed Wrex in the first game? What if Mordin died at the end of Mass Effect 2? What if you gave thumbs up to the Genophage? It's unclear how these choices affect the missions -- maybe losing Mordin just means another character is there in his place -- but in some cases the differences should be significant. Mass Effect 3 Executive Producer Casey Hudson says that "all things contribute to the war effort." Meaning every major decision from the first two games has an impact. The relationships you've built, and those you need to build going forward, matter. With the Krogans, you might have murdered one of their own. You might have further doomed their species to extinction. Now you must ask them to help you save the galaxy. Awkward. But there are other decisions that should have an impact. Did you kill or spare the Rachni Queen in Mass Effect 1? When Sovereign attacked the Citadel did you sacrifice or save the Council? At the end of Mass Effect 2, did you destroy the Collectors' experiments or save them for (then ally, now enemy) Cerberus? Thinking about all of the decisions made in the first two games and if/how they impact Mass Effect 3 illustrates the scope of the trilogy. This is something we've never seen before. The separation between someone who played Renegade versus Paragon in the previous games makes the large scale of Mass Effect 3 all the more interesting. Renegade isn't the traditional "evil" you see in games with morality. Often times, it's about self-reliance. Many of those decisions show a Renegade Shepard as being direct, uncompromising, and perhaps trying to prove that humans don't need help from anyone else to survive in the galaxy. For some species, that brash mentality can earn respect. For most, it likely shows that humans are under-developed savages who should be destroyed by the Reapers. I've got to imagine a few things my no-nonsense Queenie Shepard did are going to come back to bite her in the ass. If you didn't play any of the downloadable content, Mass Effect 3 assumes the events happened. You get a little more out of things if you played Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival. But either way, Liara is the new Shadow Broker (think queen of all mercenaries) and Shepard has been arrested and is on trial on Earth at the start of ME3. Mass Effect 3 might be about big-scale battles and the fate of all worlds, but there's still time for love. There's an epic battle for Shepard's heart, after all. If you were suave in Mass Effect 1 and 2, then you have two love interests, both vying for you as worlds are about to end. This love triangle will be resolved by the end of Mass Effect 3, so look forward to walking off into the sunset with Liara. I mean, seriously, who else would you want to be with -- Kaidan? Regardless of how your love life turns out, the Reapers need to be taken down. With a galactic armada at your disposal, that should be doable. All you have to do is convince the galaxy humanity's worth saving.
Spoiler: εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη
E3 2011: Mass Effect 3 - From Cover to Combat We played Mass Effect 3. Find out how BioWare is redefining the sci-fi epic's combat. Sure, Mass Effect games have always looked like shooters, but they've never really played like them. Yeah, you pointed and shot at things, but the less tangible particulars of combat have always eluded BioWare's sci-fi epic. Gunplay in Mass Effect was a clunky exercise in behind-the-scenes dice rolls, RPG-style. Mass Effect 2's battles weren't the chore they often were in the original, but they weren't what anyone paid the price of admission for. The cover mechanic was limited in comparison to dedicated third person action games, and guns lacked any sort of oomph. My playtime with Mass Effect 3 was set on the Salarian homeworld of Sur'Kesh. Ostensibly, my job was to escort a Krogan princess offworld. But in practice, my main job was kicking Cerberus ass across a science station, and Shepard was more equipped than ever to get the job done. A host of seemingly small additions have changed the way Mass Effect 3 plays. Basic character movement is more responsive for starters, more animated. Guiding Shepard around is less of a struggle than it's ever been. Aiming also felt snappier, and guns have the punch now that they've always lacked. These changes alter the way you can move around combat zones in Mass Effect 3. Previously, firefights in Mass Effect were mostly static affairs. You'd find a good sized bit of cover and fire away, or throw abilities at your enemies hoping they'd never really get in close enough to make Mass Effect or Mass Effect 2's unwieldy combat controls a liability. If you were a Vanguard, you might risk your life to use your powerful charge move, but it was an awkward maneuver that missed as often as it hit. But Mass Effect 3's revised movement and aiming make Shepard viable at variable ranges in a way he never was before. Moving and shooting, a previously suicidal maneuver that most players outgrew within a few hours of Mass Effect 2, isn't just an option now - it's a good choice. Cover is still important; it's also been revamped from the last game, easier now to traverse and use dynamically rather than finding a point to set up at and pray that enemies don't close the gap. But BioWare wants you to mix it up in close - something made obvious by the revised melee system. The awkward melee shoves and slaps of past Mass Effects are gone. Formidable melee punches and attacks specific to each class have taken their place. The Soldier Shepard I used delivered some solid, fast punches that knocked enemies back without causing me to double over like I had shattered every bone in my hand. But the real new addition to close quarters combat is the instant melee kill - hold down the B or Circle button and Shepard will wind back to deliver a killing blow unique to his class, in this case a tech-blade in my Soldier's wrist armor. Shaped similarly to the energy-based armor used by Sentinel classes in Mass Effect, it cut down enemies in one hit. Other classes have their own heavy melee attacks - Adepts have blades of psionic energy that they use to cut down their enemies in close, for example. Then there are the grenades. Mass Effect 3 sees a series debut for actual, round, conventional grenades. This adds yet another combat option to the game that changes the way Shepard can engage with enemies, and adds a new tactical wrinkle to flanking and other maneuvers. All of these things combine to provide a shooting experience that, honestly, feels a bit surreal in a Mass Effect game. As I made my way to the Krogan princess on the other end of a science platform with my teammates Liara and Garrus, there was a point in the demo where Cerberus operatives stormed the opposite end of the corridor. The platform had the standard smattering of cover objects between us and the Cerberus forces, but there was also a passage to the right that flanked to the other side. Ordering Liara and Garrus to use their abilities as a diverson, I stuck to cover and ran to the corridor. I made my way to the end and blind-tossed a pair of grenades into the other side of the room. As the explosions rocked the Cerberus personnel, I swung around the cover and quickly popped a pair of enemies with my assault rifle. Then I dashed forward, sprung over a bit of cover, and took out another Cerberus agent with a pair of quick melee strikes, then ducked back into cover and made my way around to the remaining enemy's rear, cutting him down with Shepard's tech blade. It all felt like a different game, like a different series even. Where Mass Effect 2 felt like a slightly tighter Mass Effect combat-wise, Mass Effect 3 is in an entirely different space. The familiar elements that need to be there are intact - powers and talents are still in the same menu wheel structure, and weapon types remain unchanged. You're not going to select an assault rifle and be shocked by its looks. But you will be taken aback by how well it works. I was. And now the wait to play Mass Effect 3 until 2012 is that much harder.
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Re: Mass Effect 3

Post by zweistein » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:41 pm

Δημοσίευση που περιλαμβάνει καμια 65αρια captions από το live του Jesse Houston.
Οι εικόνες περιλαμβάνουν στιγμιότητα από quests όπως το Demo που αφορά την διάσωση ενός θηλυκού Κρόγκαν, το Demo που αφορά αποστολή σε Reaper base, και Demo που αφορά αποστολή στην υπό Reapers χτυπημένη Γη.
Επίσης θα δείτε εστιάσεις σε στιγμιότυπα που αφορούν modifications οπλων και ικανοτήτων των squad members αλλα και του Shepard καθώς και ένα νεότερο αναβαθμισιμο set ικανοτήτων που αφορούν τις επικοινωνιακές και ηγετικές ικανότητες του Shepard.
Τέλος θα δείτε στιγμιότητα από ενδιαφέρουσες εμφανίσεις νέων χαρακτήρων, νέων κακών, και άλλων νεοτερων features και λειτουργιών του παιχνιδιού.

here it goes:
Spoiler: εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη
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