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Υποτροφίες USENIX: NSDI '09 Grant Deadline, FAST '09 κλπ

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:14 pm
by dds
Επισυνάπτω πληροφορίες από τον οργανισμό Usenix Association σχετικά με διάφορες υποτροφίες που υπάρχουν για την παρακολούθηση συνεδρίων.

Διομήδης Σπινέλλης

1. NSDI '09 grant application now available
2. FAST '09 grants awarded
3. Summer 2009 DREU: Paid research internships for underrepresented
students via CRA-W and CDC

1. NSDI '09 grant application now available

The NSDI '09 student grant application is now open.

NSDI '09 grant applications are due March 9, 2009.

Apply at ... cgi?nsdi09

Guidelines and hints for your students can be found here:

EuroSys is also offering travel grants for European PhD students:

NSDI '09 registration is now open. The Early Bird Registration Deadline
is March 30, 2009.

Chat with other attendees on the NSDI '09 Facebook page:

2. FAST '09 grants awarded

FAST '09 received 52 applicants for student grants. We were able to award 44.
Thanks to those of you who directed students to the application.

The Early Bird Registration Deadline is February 9, 2009.

Finally, you can chat with other attendees on the FAST '09 Facebook page: ... 736&ref=mf

3. Summer 2009 DREU: Paid research internships for underrepresented
students via CRA-W and CDC

The CRA-W and CDC Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates
(DREU) Program is a highly selective program that matches promising
undergraduates with a faculty mentor for a summer research experience at
the faculty member's home institution. The objective of the DREU is to
increase the number of women and students from underrepresented groups
entering graduate studies in the fields of computer science and
engineering. The DREU experience is invaluable for students who are
considering graduate school, providing them with a close-up view of what
graduate school is really like and increasing their competitiveness as
an applicant for graduate admissions and fellowships.

Funding for the student consists of $6,000 for the summer (10 weeks),
plus relocation travel assistance when appropriate. Additional funds may
be available to support student conference travel, either during the
summer or afterward, and for outreach activities promoting the DREU.

An online application for students and faculty mentors is available at

* Application deadline: February 15, 2009

* Awards announced: March 2009

For more information about the DREU, see

The Computing Research Association (CRA, is an
association of more than 200 North American academic departments of
computer science, computer engineering, and related fields; laboratories
and centers in industry, government, and academia engaging in basic
computing research; and affiliated professional societies.

The Coalition to Diversity Computing (CDC,
is a joint organization of the ACM, CRA, and IEEE-CS.

DREU is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation with
additional support from AAAI, the Henry Luce Foundation, and USENIX.