Nano2life Summer School - [25 Jun - 6 Jul 2007]

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Nano2life Summer School - [25 Jun - 6 Jul 2007]

Post by Ethel » Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:26 am

advanced Nanobiotechnology summer school

"Under its education and training scheme, the Nano2Life network is organising the 3rd N2L Summer School, which will take place in Athens, Greece June 25 - July 6, 2007. The school is open also to non N2L members, graduate students, post doctoral fellows, medical doctors, research and university personnel, and professionals in the field.

The N2L Summer School offers 2-weeks intensive lectures and laboratories in Micro - Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology. It is organised by the
<> National Center for Scientific Research
"Demokritos", in collaboration with the <>
Foundation of Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens, with additional invited lecturers from other Nano2Life partners."

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